Henry Company

PERMAX™ by Henry is an advanced spray polyurethane foam (SPF) technology offering design professionals, building owners, property managers and OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturers) significant benefits including increased thermal performance of roofs and walls, applicability to a variety of OEM applications, and sustainability of the building envelope.
Masonry & Concrete
Sealants can affect various elements of a structure: temperature, moisture management, energy efficiency and more. With Henry roof sealants and multi-purpose sealants, you can take care of sealing roofs, flashing, windows and doors to name a few.
Henry driveway asphalt sealers are time-tested and proven to last long and withstand all weather conditions.
Weatherization & Flashing
Residential Building Solutions from Henry. Enhancing the building envelope for a more comfortable, energy-efficient home.
Picking up where traditional house wraps leave off, Henry Blueskin® VP100 offers a fully adhered solution that produces an air tight, water tight and weather tight membrane.